Purge with Purpose in Calgary

Spring is in the air! You know what that means, spring cleaning makes its way to the top of our to-do list.  This annual task can be a bit daunting and overwhelming at times, so much so, that we just don’t do it and then end up accumulating items we just don’t need in our homes.  Clutter not only takes up physical space but also takes up mental space.  Seeing that pile of papers you know you need to go through, a pantry filled with half-open items you know you won’t eat, or your sock drawer filled with unmatched or hole-filled socks takes up unnecessary space in our homes and our minds. Oftentimes we will hold onto these items “just in case” that other sock shows up or “just in case” we suddenly decide that we like instant apple cinnamon oats again.  The reality is, these items clog up our storage spaces forcing us to look for more storage options that we don’t really need and they are constant reminders of things we know we need to do yet we never check it off our list so to speak.  This clogs up our mental space and when these little things become overwhelming, we just end up doing nothing at all and just keep accumulating.

It’s a new month, it’s May and there’s no better time to start the purging process.  This month, I will purge with purpose and I invite you to join along on Instagram or Facebook.   I will share a small manageable task that you can do in your home to help you remove the stuff that just doesn’t need to be there. While it may not seem like a big deal at the moment, at the end, you will feel a sense of accomplishment feel lighter and freer.  Free of the physical clutter and free of the mental clutter that these unnecessary items take up.  It will set you on a path towards success to enjoy your summer surrounded by a little less junk and a freer mind!  

This challenge is for anyone who might need a little guidance when it comes to purging, decluttering, and organizing.  These achievable daily goals should take no longer than 15 minutes to complete, and if you’re not feeling up for it on any given day, simply skip it and wait for the next one.  It only takes a small commitment to be successful in this challenge and your accomplishment at the end of this will be achieved whether you tackle 1,2, or 10 challenges.  

Part of being successful in this challenge is following through on every task until it is completed.  It’s one thing to clean out your pantry but where do you take the food you don’t want to eat? Having it sit in a bag at your backdoor is not helping you feel less cluttered.  In an effort to help you achieve every stage of this challenge, I’ll include a few spots in Calgary where these items can be taken for a new lease on life because as the saying goes, one person’s junk is another person’s treasure.

Take part in the fun and join me on the purge with purpose challenge throughout May!.